Staff Members

mary2128 Skin
Sr Admin

Apply for Staff

PickaxeMania is made up of volunteer staff. Periodically (as needed) we add new staff members. To be considered for Staff next time we add staff members, please complete our Staff Application form.

Contacting or Reporting

If you are reporting an issue with another player, the fastest method of getting a Staff Member onto the server is by typing a message in-game with the @staff tag and brief description of the issue.

Examples of this using in-game Chat or Discord Chat:
@staff Someone griefed my home and removed all my enderchest.

Will a @staff member get on, SweetiePie69 is unable to find her claim.

Contacting Staff Anonymously:

This method will send a notification to DiscordChat to alert staff. Nothing will be published in-game and what does get sent to DiscordChat will be posted by the console. Staff will not know who issued the alert, however Cache can look through logs to see who did if this command gets abused.

/staffalert MrStupidPants is using words he shouldn't be using.

If no staff members were online to handle the issue and no one responded to @staff request in a timely fashion you may contact RoelandCache. Please provide the date and time (including time-zone) of the mishap, what you did, the exact playername of all players involved. If you don't provide these, it will just delay a resolution to your report.

If you are reporting an issue about a staff member, we ask that you first contact the staff member you have the problem with and let them know how you feel and hopefully it was just a misunderstanding. If you are unable to get a response in a day or two from the Staff Member in question, you may then contact RoelandCache to explain the issue. Please provide the date and time (including time-zone) of the mishap, what you did, what the staff member did and any and all applicable details. If you don't provide these, it will just delay a resolution to your report.